KNVIR Annual Meeting 2024 Annoucement


Missing Links in the Migration Law Debate

Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 1 November 2024 at 1.30 p.m.

Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag

This year’s theme is international migration law. Are the definitions, legal framework and theoretical foundations used fit for purpose? What difficulties arise when we try to “regulate” migration?


Carolus Grütters and Karen Geertsema

will present their paper

Migration? It is the economy stupid! The missing link in the migration law debate

followed by reflections by:

Klara Boonstra
Paradoxes in Labour Migration

Nawal Mustafa
Historical Roots and Postcolonial Remnants

Ian Sumner and Susan Rutten
All in the family? Private International Law Aspects of Migration Law

The meeting starts at 1.30 pm with a members-only administrative session. At 2 pm, the presentations and discussion will start, open to all, followed by drinks. The two-yearly KNVIR François Prize will also be awarded during the meeting.

REGISTRATION: Please email gro.r1739683408ivnk@1739683408tcatn1739683408oc1739683408 by 28 October 2024.

Non-members can receive a copy of the paper (book format, 64 pages) by joining the Society (€35/€20 per year) or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€15 excl. postage).

We hope to welcome you on 1 November!