It is with immense pleasure that we present to you our jury report for the 2024 François Prize, awarded by the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, KNVIR). The François Prize, established to inspire and promote excellence in the study of public and private international law at universities across the Netherlands, is awarded every two years to recognize the best master’s thesis in these fields.
This year, we had the privilege of reviewing a noteworthy set of submissions, which were anonymized to ensure fairness. Each thesis was carefully evaluated on originality and the relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical presentation of ideas, the strength of legal analysis and conclusions, as well as style. It was truly inspiring to see the high level of scholarship represented in this edition’s entries. That being said, we did notice that the conclusions were generally on the brief side. We strongly encourage the next generation of students to dive into this final section. It is your chance to leave a lasting impression and drive your key points home, as it is often the part readers pay the most attention to. Additionally, we saw a strong focus on English-language literature across all the theses we reviewed. Expanding into more diverse sources could add depth and breadth to future research. One final critical note: we only received a single thesis on private international law. There is room to explore this fascinating field further – hopefully, we will see more work in this area submitted for the prize in the future.
Mr Cor de Boer (Groningen University) received an honourable mention for his paper entitled “Perspectives on Advancing Protection for LGBTIQ+ Prisoners of War”. 16:57:002024-11-03 17:10:11Winner – François Prize 2024
Annual General Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law Friday 1 November 2024 at 1.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year’s theme is international migration law. Are the definitions, legal framework and theoretical foundations used fit for purpose? What difficulties arise when we try to “regulate” migration?
Carolus Grütters and Karen Geertsema
will present their paper
Migration? It is the economy stupid! The missing link in the migration law debate
followed by reflections by:
Klara Boonstra Paradoxes in Labour Migration
Nawal Mustafa Historical Roots and Postcolonial Remnants
Ian Sumner and Susan Rutten All in the family? Private International Law Aspects of Migration Law
The meeting starts at 1.30 pm with a members-only administrative session. At 2 pm, the presentations and discussion will start, open to all, followed by drinks. The two-yearly KNVIR François Prize will also be awarded during the meeting.
On 19 June 2024, the Society held its Spring Meeting on “Finding Balance: Lessons From Courtroom Battles On International Climate Law” in hybrid format.
The presentation by Prof. André Nollkaemper and the Q&A can be viewed here.
In 2024, a significant shift occurred in the global climate regime. Struggling to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, states across the world found themselves in a new dynamic. Courts, originally not envisioned as key players in interpreting and applying international climate law, took centre stage. This was marked by a landmark judgment from the European Court of Human Rights, and (forthcoming) Advisory Opinions from the Law of the Sea Tribunal, the International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In over 50 states, individuals, civil society groups, and corporate actors have initiated judicial proceedings to challenge governmental and corporate climate policies, often expressly relying on international climate law.
Both international and national courts play a crucial role in clarifying states’ international obligations and responsibilities. However, they must navigate the intricate landscapes of global and national politics and grapple with the inherent limitations of their role in complex societal trade-offs in climate transitions and the search for climate justice.
This presentation will discuss the lessons that we can draw from international and national caselaw so far. It will evaluate how courts have contributed to developing and implementing international climate law and provide perspectives on how they attempt to balance competing interests in this complex global arena.
Prof. André Nollkaemper, University Professor of International Law and Sustainability, University of Amsterdam, will provide a presentation, followed by a Q&A and drinks. 13:46:002024-07-02 17:32:14LESSONS FROM COURTROOM BATTLES ON INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE LAW
The Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of 3 November 2023 to the theme: ‘Energy Security in International Economic Law: Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by Leiden University, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre of Leiden University and Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR). 22:06:282024-01-02 22:06:30Annual General Meeting 2023
Op 3 november 2023 hield de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR) haar Algemene Ledenvergadering in Den Haag. Tijdens deze vergadering trad Prof. Willem van Genugten af als voorzitter van de KNVIR na deze functie 12 jaar te hebben vervuld. Het bestuur van de vereniging heeft de leden aanbevolen om Prof. Aukje van Hoek, hoogleraar Internationaal Privaatrecht en Burgerlijk Procesrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, te benoemen tot nieuwe voorzitter, hetgeen met consensus is gebeurd. Het Bestuur is Prof. Van Genugten erkentelijk voor al het werk dat hij in de Vereniging heeft geïnvesteerd en wenst Prof. Van Hoek het allerbeste in haar nieuwe rol, die zij vanaf 1 januari 2024 zal vervullen.
On 3 November 2023, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law held its Annual General Meeting in The Hague. During that meeting, Prof. Willem van Genugten stepped down as President of the Society after holding this position for 12 years. The Board of the Society made a recommendation to the members to appoint Prof. Aukje van Hoek, Professor of Private International Law and Civil Procedure at the University of Amsterdam, as the new President, and she was appointed by consensus. The Board is grateful to Prof. Van Genugten for his dedication to the Society over the past 12 years and wishes Prof. Van Hoek all the best in her new role, which she shall take up on 1 January 2024. 18:57:062024-10-07 18:14:31Wisseling van voorzitter / Change of President KNVIR
“Energy Security in International Economic Law: Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities”
Annual General Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law Friday 3 November 2023 at 2.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to international energy law. Questions concerning worldwide energy security, available dispute resolution mechanisms and the impact of, inter alia, the war in Ukraine on energy policies, in the EU and beyond, will be addressed.
Mr Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre, Leiden University
She will present her paper on Energy Security in International Economic Law: Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities
Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
She will provide a first reflection on the paper
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR starts at 2:30 pm with an administrative session reserved for its members. At 15:00 hrs., the presentations and discussion on international energy law will begin, which are open to members and non-members. The event will be followed by drinks.
Members will receive a digital pre-copy of the paper by email prior to the meeting, and a printed version by post after the meeting. Non-members of the Society can request a copy of the paper when registering for the event via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 (see above).
The Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 7 June 2023 to the theme: ‘The Role of the UN in the Conflict in Ukraine: Attempts to Bypass the UN Charter in the Spirit of the Charter Itself?’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by Leiden University, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Dr. Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor at the Leiden University Institute for History, Prof. Niels Blokker, Professor of International Institutional Law at Leiden University, and Mr. Karel van Oosterom, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
While the UN provides refugee protection and humanitarian aid in Ukraine and is actively involved in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, its role in the domain of peace and security is limited: examples include speeches by the UN Secretary-General and the February 2023 General Assembly resolution demanding that the Russian Federation withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory, in line with the UN Charter.
However, GA resolutions lack ‘bite’. The impossibility for the Security Council to act in this conflict has, again, raised the question as to what role the GA and other UN organs can still play. Various initiatives have been taken, such as the GA’s emergency special session and the adoption of GA Res. 76/262 (‘Standing mandate for a GA debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council’). Are these examples of ‘bypassing the UN Charter in the spirit of the Charter itself’, knowing that formal changes of the Charter are not a realistic perspective? Or does the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the use of its veto in the Security Council bring new stimuli to the long-standing negotiations about Security Council Reform?
Dr. Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor at the Leiden University Institute for History, and Prof. Niels Blokker, Professor of International Institutional Law at Leiden University, will provide a presentation. This will be followed by a Q&A.
Date and time: Wednesday 7 June 2023, from 19.00-21.00
Location: Leiden University, Campus The Hague, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague, or online via Zoom 15:59:522023-07-04 15:34:41THE ROLE OF THE UN IN THE CONFLICT IN UKRAINE
On 4 November 2022, the Society held its Annual General Meeting, which explored the theme ‘Shaping International Accountability around Mega-Sporting Events’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here. 17:28:062024-01-02 22:07:59Annual General Meeting 2022
It is with great pleasure that we hereby present to you the jury report of the 2022 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law or Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR). The François Prize was initiated to promote the study of public and private international law at universities in the Netherlands and is award biannually to the very best master thesis in the fields of public or private international law. We read and evaluated the anonymised submissions we received on originality and relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical way of reasoning, the quality of the legal analysis and conclusions, style and, finally, presentation. More information on the Prize can be found in the Byelaws, available on the KNVIR’s website.
Ms Ingeborg H. de Koningh (Leiden University) received an honourable mention for her paper entitled “Consolidating International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: the Protection from Gender-Based Violence against Women in Non-International Armed Conflict”. 17:23:232024-01-02 22:13:42Winner – François Prize 2022
“Shaping International Accountability around Mega-Sporting Events”
Annual General Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law Friday 4 November 2022 at 1.30 p.m.
The Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to legal questions that arise in relation to mega- sporting events, such as:
Who is responsible for violations of national or international law? The government putting out the tender, the organisers (IOC, FIFA), or the companies contracted to build the stadiums, roads, and hotels? How are these responsibilities divided up and how can different actors be held accountable?
What should be done for victims, in particular labour migrants, but also for victims whose property is expropriated or who are subject to “administrative detention”?
What should be done in the future to prevent repetition as much as possible? What are the shortcomings of current legislation and how can we, practically speaking, close the (major) gaps between theory and practice?
Dr Daniela Heerdt (Asser Instituut) and Dr Lucas Roorda (Utrecht University) Human rights abuses at mega-sporting events: Exploring the responsibilities of participating states and businesses
Prof. Geert Van Calster (KU Leuven) The private international law aspects of the responsibility and accountability for wrongful acts in the context of mega-sporting events
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
At 13:30 hrs the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted. At 14:00 hrs the presentation and discussion of the reports will start, followed by the announcement of the 2022 François Prize, at which members and non-members are welcome.
Non-members of the Society can receive a copy of the papers (book format, 97 pages) in advance, either by becoming a member of the Society (for €35/€20 per year). Or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€20 excl. postage). Members have received or will receive a copy of the papers in the post.
De Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken (CAVV) heeft meerdere vacatures openstaan. De vacaturetekst vindt u hier. De sluitingsdatum is 31 augustus 2022. 09:50:042022-10-08 17:16:34Vacatures bij de Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken (CAVV) (Dutch-language vacancy)
The Board of the Society is delighted at the news that Prof. Yvonne Donders has been elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Committee for 2023-2026. Prof. Donders was a member of the Board of the Society from 2012-2021. The Board congratulates her on this achievement. 18:31:572024-10-07 18:15:00Election of Prof. Yvonne Donders as member of the UN Human Rights Committee
Like so many around the world, the Executive Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law is shocked about the situation currently unfolding in Ukraine. The purpose of our Society is, among other things, to promote public international law. Promotion includes an explicit condemnation of the blatant violations of the international legal order that we are witnessing these days. This is why we fully endorse the statement of Prof. Chinkin, Executive Chair of the International Law Association (ILA), as well as similar statements issued by other national branches of the ILA.
Update 4 March 2022: the Executive Board further fully endorses the statement by the International Law Association, available here.
The Executive Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law 23:14:032022-06-18 10:17:18Statement Executive Board on the Situation in Ukraine
The Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 24 May 2022, which was held in hybrid format, to the theme: ‘Sanctions as the go-to tool: Do they work and what role for international law?’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by The Hague Humanity Hub, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Prof. Peter van Bergeijk (Erasmus University) and Prof. Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University). The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
Already before the Russian aggression against Ukraine the stalemate in the UN Security Council increasingly led to a wave of unilateral sanctions. Economic sanctions may seem to have become the instrument of choice to deal with international crises, but the role of the UN Security Council has diminished.
Prof. Peter van Bergeijk (Erasmus University) and Prof. Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University) put the expanding sanctions practice into the perspectives of international relations and international law.
Do sanctions work at all? What drives their success and failure? Why is coordination of sanctions so difficult? Should international law have a more prominent role in governing sanctions?
Importantly, although targeted sanctions remain very present on the sanctions’ menu, there is again a trend towards the recomprehensivation of sanctions, a return to the more comprehensive sanctions of before. What is the future of the sanction instrument?
The speakers will each give a presentation of 20 minutes, followed by the opportunity to ask questions and a discussion.
Date and time: Tuesday 24 May 2022, from 16.00-18.00
Location: The Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague, or online via Zoom
Registration: Please send an email to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by 19 May 2022 indicating whether you would like to attend the meeting in person or online. If you are attending via Zoom, the link will be sent to the email you use for registration, unless you indicate otherwise. 13:43:382022-06-18 10:15:14SANCTIONS AS THE GO-TO-TOOL
On 5 November 2021, the Society held its Annual General Meeting which explored the theme ‘Global Health Law Disrupted: COVID-19 and the Climate Change Crisis’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here. 21:51:572022-06-18 10:17:27Annual General Meeting 2021
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit their Master’s thesis on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
provided that on 31 December 2021 they have obtained their Master’s degree less than two (2) years ago.
Please note that submissions written by more than one author will not be accepted.
The submissions will be judged by a jury chaired by dr G.R. de Groot, Professor emeritus of Comparative Law and Private International Law at Maastricht University. The other two members of the jury are Dr I. Boerefijn, Coordinating Policy Advisor at the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights and former Senior Lecturer in human rights at Utrecht University, and Prof.dr O. Spijkers, LL.M., Professor of Public International Law at the China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (CIBOS) and the Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), and Founding Staff Member of the International Water Law Academy (IWLA) of Wuhan University (China).
Submissions should be sent to the Secretariat of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, in triplicate and anonymized, addressed as follows:
c/o Ms. C.H.M. Verhaar P.O. Box 778 2300 AT LEIDEN
Each submission must be accompanied by a completed and signed entry form and should reach the Secretariat no later than 31 December 2021. The entry form may be found here.
The François Prize, named after J.P.A. François (1889-1978), was created in 1975 by the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law with a view to encouraging the study of public international law and private international law. The prize consists of an award of € 2,000 and a certificate.
The COVID-19 pandemic painfully demonstrated that protecting health is of the utmost importance to humankind. Governments everywhere are struggling to deal with the pandemic, alongside their fight against persistent diseases such as malaria and against climate change, whose effects on health conditions are undeniable.
This year, the KNVIR focuses on several major issues in the area of global health law, a field of international law that has developed over a period of 70 years, with the World Health Organization as centrepiece.
At the annual meeting four reports will be presented, addressing the status of global health law, and some of its achievements and challenges. These will be discussed in the context of human rights law, international economic law and environmental law, making it clear that the concerns raised cannot be addressed separately. There may be lessons to be learned for the discipline of international law at large.
PROF.MR DR BIRGIT C.A. TOEBES AND MEAGHAN BEYER, LL.M. The Origins and Scope of Global Health Law
MARLIES HESSELMAN, LL.M. Climate Change as a Global Health Threat in International Climate Law and Human Rights Law
DR PEDRO VILLARREAL International Health Law and Pandemics – Will COVID-19 be a Watershed?
At 13:30 hrs CET the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted.
At 14:00 hrs CET the presentation of the reports will start, at which members and non-members are welcome.
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The printed version of the Collected Papers, containing the reports, has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press and may be ordered by non-members by applying to ln.re1736995902ssa@s1736995902serp1736995902 (price € 25.00 + p.&.p.). Members have received or will receive a copy of the Collected Papers via regular mail.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend the meeting, you are required to register by sending a message to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 no later than Monday 1 November 2021. When you register, please indicate whether you wish to attend in person – at The Hague Humanity Hub – or on-line.
The Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 3 June 2021, which was held online and in the Dutch language, to the theme: ‘Internationaal privaatrechtelijke gevolgen van de Brexit’ (Private international law consequences of the Brexit). The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by The Hague Humanity Hub and co-organised by the Internationaal Juridisch Instituut and the legal journal Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Prof. Dr. Ian Sumner, University of Tilburg, Dr. André Berends LL.M. (Dutch Ministry of Finance), Tess Bens LL.M. (Radboud University), Dr. Fieke van Overbeeke LL.M. (Internationaal Juridisch Instituut). The meeting was introduced by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR) and moderated by Prof. Marta Pertegás (member executive board KNVIR).
Graag nodigen het Internationaal Juridisch Instituut (IJI), het tijdschrift Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR) u uit voor een webinar over de Internationaal Privaatrechtelijke Gevolgen van de Brexit.
Het webinar zal bestaan uit vier inleidingen van 10-15 minuten elk:
Na de echtscheiding, komt de afwikkeling! Brexit en het internationaal familierecht Prof. dr. Ian Sumner, hoogleraar IPR, Universiteit van Tilburg
Het internationale insolventierecht tussen Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk sinds de Brexit Mr. dr. André Berends, specialist bij het Ministerie van Financiën
Brussel na de Brexit – Nieuwe regels voor burgerlijke en handelszaken Mr. Tess Bens, docent Burgerlijk Recht, Radboud Universiteit
De Brexit vanuit Den Haag: Biedt de Hague Judgments Convention uitkomst?[1] Dr. Mr. Fieke van Overbeeke, CEO & Legal Counsel, Internationaal Juridisch Instituut
[1]De titel van dit programmaonderdeel is onder voorbehoud.
Aansluitend is er ruimte voor vragen en discussie. De inleidingen zijn in het Nederlands, maar vragen en discussiebijdragen kunnen tevens worden gesteld/geleverd in het Engels. Het webinar wordt gemodereerd door Prof. dr. Marta Pertegás Sender, hoogleraar IPR en Transnationaal Recht, Universiteit Maastricht en lid van het Dagelijks Bestuur van de KNVIR.
Datum en tijd: donderdag 3 juni, van 16.00 tot 18.00 uur, via Zoom.
Aanmelden: leden van de KNVIR en andere geïnteresseerden kunnen zich aanmelden t/m dinsdag 1 juni via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902ofni1736995902, onder vermelding van het emailadres waarop zij de link voor het webinar wensen te ontvangen. 16:58:492021-06-14 10:25:11internationaal privaatrechtelijke gevolgen van de Brexit
The Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of November 6, which was held online, to the theme: ‘International Law for a Digitalised World’. The recording of the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here. (Please note that the video starts rather abruptly, while for technical reasons the parts on the voting on the propositions have been left out.) 20:09:002021-01-26 20:21:18Annual General Meeting 2020
On 6 November 2020, the KNVIR awarded the biennial Francois Prize. The report of the jury reads as follows:
It is my great pleasure and honour to present the jury report of the 2020 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law. The François Prize was created to promote the study of public international law and private international law and is offered, every other year, to an excellent master’s thesis or other comparable paper in these fields of law. Ph.D. dissertations, books, articles published in scientific journals or publications that otherwise have been reviewed and revised externally do not qualify. The anonymised submissions are judged on originality and relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical way of thinking, the quality of the legal analysis and conclusions, style and, finally, presentation. More information on the Prize can be found in its Bye-Laws, available on the Society’s website. 12:56:462021-02-12 22:49:37Report of the Jury – François Prize 2020 17:30:002021-01-26 20:19:15Annual General Meeting on 06-11-2020
The video of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law’s Spring Meeting ‘The WTO Before, During and After Corona’, organised on 24 June 2020 in cooperation with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
The (adapted) power point presentation of the Spring Meeting’s speaker, Prof. Peter van den Bossche, can be found here:
of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
to be held online on
Wednesday 24 JUNE 2020 16.00 – 17.00 Hrs (cet)
The WTO, established on 1 January 1995, has for a long time been one of the success stories of international law. This is largely due to its track record in the settlement of disputes: since 1995, 595 disputes have been brought to the WTO, while over 350 rulings have been issued. However, in recent times, the Organization has been challenged by, inter alia, inconclusive discussions on multilateral trade, a growing emphasis on nationalism and protectionism, at least in some states, the lack of attention to the position of developing states (despite the 2013 ‘Bali Package’), the blocking of the appointment of judges in the Dispute Settlement Body, and, in recent times, the nearly unforeseeable trade consequences of COVID-19.
For obvious reasons, the Society’s traditional ‘Voorjaarsvergadering’ (Spring Meeting) cannot take its usual shape this year. The Board of the Society therefore invites its Members and others who are interested to attend this online meeting. The event will have an informative as well as forward-looking character, and will be introduced by Prof. Peter Van den Bossche, judge in the WTO Appellate Body from 2009 to 2019, Professor of International Economic Law, University of Bern, and Director of Studies, World Trade Institute, Bern. Prof. Van den Bossche is an honorary professor at Maastricht University, the Netherlands (since 2018), and a visiting professor at the LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy (since 2016), at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador (since 2016), and at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (since 2010).
The event will run for one hour, with half an hour being reserved for the introductory lecture by Prof. Van den Bossche and half an hour for Q&A and some discussion, depending on the time available.
Date and Time: Wednesday 24 June 2020, 16.00-17.00 hrs (CET), via Zoom.
Registration: Members and non-members are welcome to attend. Registration is required. Please register for free by Monday 22 June 2020 by sending an email to .gro.1736995902rivnk1736995902@ofni1736995902 23:17:002020-09-18 23:23:59The WTO Before, During and After Corona
This week, Mr. Huw Llewellyn, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations invited members of the KNVIR to make use of the international law training and research materials available in the UN’s Audiovisual Library of International Law (AVL), which may be accessed here.
The AVL contains more than 600 lectures on a large number of international law subjects and in the Historic Archives you may find more than 100 legal instruments, together with introductory notes prepared by internationally recognised experts, as well as audiovisual materials.
Given the outbreak of Covid-19 and the present need for online educational materials and resources, the AVL may provide very useful materials, especially for our members in academia. Please feel free to make use of these materials and resources. 23:11:202020-09-18 23:14:54Access to the Audiovisual Library of International Law of the United Nations
On 1 November 2019, during the Annual General Meeting, three preadviseurs – prof. Göran Sluiter, prof. Stephan Parmentier and dr. Antoine Duval presented their reports on, in summary, the progress and non-progress made in the field of international criminal law over the last 25 years, on alternatives for criminal prosecution and on the way companies have been encountering criminal proceedings. In doing so they also paid extensive attention to the shortcomings to be addressed and the gaps to be filled in order to end impunity for international crimes. Unfortunately, dr. Eva Kassoti, co-author of one pf the reports, together with dr. Duval, was absent, due to illness.
mr. Fons Orie, invited by the Board to do so, commented on the three papers. Following these presentations, the audience was asked to add their comments and raise their questions, which led to a lively debate that took the remainder of the afternoon. Many of those present participated in the discussion and, in their interaction with the presenters, contributed to a very interesting meeting.
From left to right: prof. W. van Genugten, prof. G. Sluiter, prof. S. Parmentier, dr. A. Duval, mr. F. Orie and dr. E. Kassoti
A full report of the proceedings will be published on this website as soon as it is available. 21:54:582019-11-19 22:12:27Annual General Meeting 2019
The “Preadvies” by prof. dr. S. Parmentier on ‘Living Up To International Criminal Law State of Affairs, Prospects And Mandates’ is now available online. 10:09:002020-09-16 12:54:10“Preadvies” by prof. dr. S. Parmentier on ‘Living Up To International Criminal Law State of Affairs, Prospects And Mandates’ 20:16:072020-09-18 20:31:53Annual General Meeting on 01-11-2019
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2020
provided that on 31 December 2019 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
From 25 to 31 August 2019 the 79th Session of the renowned Institut de Droit international (Institute of International Law – IDI – established in 1873, Nobel Peace Prize in 1904) will be held at the Peace Palace in The Hague.
Members of the KNVIR are invited to attend the following meetings of this IDI Session: 15:45:082020-09-18 20:40:1579th Session of the Institut de Droit international
This year, the KNVIR devoted its Spring Meeting to the role the UN, and more particularly the UN Security Council, are playing in a world full of challenges, including attacks on multilateralism and, linked to that, fickle leadership in a broader sense. The meeting was jointly organised with the Netherlands United Nations Association (NVVN) (represented by dr. Otto Spijkers), the The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS) and Leiden University (both represented by prof. Alanna O’Malley).
Ambassador Karel van Oosterom Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the United Nations
Ambassador Peter Wilson British Ambassador to the Netherlands and UK Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) 09:25:212020-09-16 13:47:44The UN in times of Global challenges
Room 2.02 (klein auditorium), wijnhavengebouw, Campus The Hague, Leiden University Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
Ambassador Karel van Oosterom Permanent Representative of The Kingdom of The Netherlands to The United Nations
Meeting jointly organised by
The Netherlands United Nations Association (Nvvn), The Royal Netherlands Society Of International Law and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Hhs) Leiden University 17:37:452020-09-18 20:38:50Spring Meeting 2019 on 18 April
A successful Annual General Meeting was held on 2 November
Climate change, the subject of this year’s Annual General Meeting, drew a large crowd to the Wijnhavengebouw of Leiden University’s The Hague campus on 2 November.
It is my great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2018 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law to you today at our annual meeting. This prize is a bi-annual prize that honours the best Master’s thesis in the fields of public international law or private international law written at a Dutch University in the past two years, in as much as these papers have not yet been published and have been sent to the jury. The anonymous or anonymized submissions are judged among other things on their originality, their demonstration of a profound understanding of the law in a particular field, and the language used. For those interested, you may find the Bye-Laws for the Prize on our website.çois-Prize.jpg563750KNVIR 15:25:272020-09-19 21:41:44Report of the Jury – François Prize 2018 15:23:192020-09-16 12:55:43prof. Soons’ “Preadvies” on Climate Change is now available online 11:13:052020-09-18 20:31:53Annual General Meeting on 02-11-2018
All are invited to the Maastricht Private Law Lecture, 11-12 October 2018, by prof. dr. Symeon C. Symeonides. The topic of the lecture is The ‘Private’ in Private International Law.
The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, is an annual event at which a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a topic related to the wide field of private law. An interactive seminar with PhD-researchers will follow on the next day. 21:48:402020-09-18 20:40:15The ‘Private’ in Private International Law
The Children of the Caliphate and International Law
dr. Bibi van Ginkel, LLM Senior research fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and research fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)
drs. Mattie van der Molen Behaviourist, Dutch Council for Child Protection
Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:00 hrs. Room 3.60, wijnhavengebouw, Campus The Hague, Leiden University Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
On 13 June, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR) organised its Spring Meeting on the topic of ‘The Children of the Caliphate and International Law’. This event examined state responses regarding the children of parents who joined the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from the perspectives of states’ obligations under international law and child protection. Particular attention was paid to the policy in the Netherlands, which – like several other states –does not actively repatriate Dutch children back to the Netherlands. 16:56:582019-10-22 23:17:37Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2018
The Children of the Caliphate and International Law
dr. Bibi van Ginkel, LLM Senior research fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and research fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)
drs. Mattie van der Molen Behaviourist, Dutch Council for Child Protection
Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:00 hrs. Room 3.60, wijnhavengebouw, Campus The Hague, Leiden University Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
With the crumbling of IS’ Caliphate new challenges have come to the surface. One such challenge that has been discussed vigorously over the past weeks and months, is what to do with the ‘Children of the Caliphate’, that is to say: the children of parents who joined IS in Iraq and Syria. What does international law say about the obligations of states in this matter and how should we assess certain governmental practices, such as those of the Netherlands, which currently does not actively repatriate Dutch children back to the Netherlands, taking into account international law, as well as other perspectives?
The jury of the Theo van Boven – Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018 is looking for excellent young researchers in the field of human rights law, international criminal law or international humanitarian law. Nominations must be received by 15 September 2018.
The Prize consists of 3.000 Euro and a seminar on a subject chosen by the laureate, organized together with the International Law Department and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht Law faculty. The winner will be announced on Human Rights Day 2018.
The nomination must identify the PhD thesis of the nominee or other substantial academic work in this field and a motivation must be attached as to the quality of the researcher nominated. Nominations on the basis of publications in Dutch, English, French, as well as German are welcome. Self-nominations or nominations by close relatives will not be accepted. 10:16:532019-10-23 11:14:14Theo van Boven – Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018
You can now register for the ILA meeting in Sydney. Please go to this website. Early bird fees apply. 14:28:042019-10-23 18:43:38Registration open for ILA Conference in Sydney
The ILA Australian Branch is pleased to announce that the conference website for the 78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, which will be held in Sydney 19-24 August 2018 is now live. The website will be updated in coming weeks with further details on the programme, registration details and conference fees. You can also follow the official ILA 2018 Conference Facebook page. 19:49:482019-10-23 18:43:3178th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, in Sydney 19-24 August 2018
The Australian Branch of the International Law Association is hosting the next biennial conference from 19 to 24 August 2018. To assist in building the parallel program for the conference, the Australian Branch has released a Call for Papers and Panels – 2018 ILA Conference Sydney (,pdf). Submissions may be emailed to the address indicated in the call. Additional information may be found on the conference website: 14:28:342019-10-23 18:43:26Call for Papers and Panels – 2018 ILA Conference Sydney
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2018
provided that on 31 December 2017 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
On 28 August 2017, our honorary member prof. mr. dr. Nico J. Schrijver was sworn in by His Majesty King Willem Alexander as State Councillor (Staatsraad) in the Advisory Division (Afdeling advisering) of the Council of State (Raad van State).
prof. Schrijver is professor of public international law at Leiden University and Director of the University’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. From 7 June 2011 until 1 September 2017, when he took up his position as State Councillor, prof. Schrijver was a member of the Netherlands Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal). He also is one of the four Dutch members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
Earlier this summer, our Board member prof. dr. Liesbeth Lijnzaad was elected as a judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea at Hamburg.
prof. Lijnzaad is the first judge from The Netherlands to occupy this position. On 30 September 2017, the day before she takes up her new position at the ITLOS, she will leave the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she worked as Legal Adviser for almost 25 years. prof. Lijnzaad also is professor of Practice of International Law at Maastricht University and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
The KNVIR congratulates prof. Schrijver and prof. Lijnzaad with their highly prestigious appointments.
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law is attended by more than 50 members and non-members. The Chairman, prof. Willem van Genugten, opens the meeting by announcing the unexpected absence of the special guest dr. K.H.D.M. Dijkhoff, Minister for Migration (Staatssecretaris Veiligheid en Justitie), who was invited for the book presentation at the beginning of the meeting. The collapse, yesterday, of the negotiations for a new government, means that dr. Dijkhoff has to attend a meeting in parliament tonight. Under the circumstances the presentation is replaced by a brief introduction of the two books. 01:31:182019-10-22 23:22:00Proceedings of The Spring Meeting 2017 14:43:102020-09-18 20:38:50Spring Meeting 2017 on 13 June
The Chairman, prof.dr. Willem J.M. van Genugten, opens the Annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law at 7:05 P.M. and welcomes the approximately 40 persons present. The meeting is also intended to commemorate the late KNVIR Treasurer dr. Peter J. van Krieken, who passed away last year and was a specialist in the field of refugees and migrant law. He was a member of the Board from 2008-2015. An In Memoriam can be found on the website of the KNVIR. The Chair subsequently introduces the three speakers: mr. Bram van Ojik (Special Envoy for Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), mr. Flip Schüller (lawyer at Prakken d’Oliveira, Amsterdam), and dr. Hans van Loon (former Secretary-General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law). 21:07:582019-10-22 23:06:20Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2016
drs. Bram van Ojik Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
prof. dr. Ashley B. Terlouw Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen
dr. Hans van Loon Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law
The Spring Meeting was held on Wednesday 25 May 2016 in The Hague
Asylum, migration and refugee issues dominate the news, and confront the community of international lawyers with pertinent questions as to clashes between political pragmatism, required given the magnitude of the problems at hand, and the obligation to live up to international law. The KNVIR devoted its annual Spring Meeting to this particular topic by organising a discussion among the Special Envoy for Migration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and two legal specialists, together representing the two ‘branches’ of the KNVIR: Public and Private International Law. The meeting also commemorated the late KNVIR Treasurer dr. Peter J. van Krieken, who was a specialist in this field as well.
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2016
provided that on 31 December 2015 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Charming, intelligent, internationalist, slightly eccentric, committed and engaging: these are only a few words to describe the multifaceted personality of dr. Peter van Krieken, Treasurer of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, who passed away, aged 65, on 22 May 2015 after a brief but devastating illness. Peter was a very well educated and talented man, who knew his classics, was a passionate violinist and a gifted teacher. 15:01:162019-10-23 18:37:44In Memoriam dr. P.J. van Krieken 1949-2015
The 76th ILA Biennial Conference took place from 7-11 April 2014 in Washington, D.C.
The conference coincided with and was intertwined with the ASIL 108th annual meeting. The theme was ‘The Effectiveness of International Law’. Some 470 ILA-members attended (as well as more than 1000 ASIL-members).
The ILA’s core work (committees on various topics, studying and reporting, and sometimes finalising their work with resolutions) took place in an inspiring and friendly atmosphere.
A number of committees and study groups held open working sessions, all of which were well attended. Reports of these sessions will be included in the final report of the conference, alongside the substantive reports of these committees and study groups.
Please note that by mistake, the KNVIR submitted an incorrect version of the preadvies written by Hans van Loon and Stéphanie De Dycker, entitled ‘The Role of the International Court of Justice in the Development of Private International Law’, to the publisher. Our sincere apologies for this. 23:57:382019-10-23 18:38:03Correct Version Preadvies Van Loon & De Dycker
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2014
provided that on 31 December 2013 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Arbitration as a means of solving international disputes
Advantages and Risks
mr. Hugo H. Siblesz Secretary General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
prof.dr. Jamal Seifi Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Professor of Global Law (2015) at Tilburg University
prof.dr. Vesna Lazic Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, Associate Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at Utrecht University and Professor of EU Civil Procedure at the University of Rijeka, Croatia
held on Tuesday 21 April 2015 at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion. 20:54:132019-10-22 23:23:53Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2015
Looting of Cultural Property during Foreign Occupation
mr. Taco Dibbits Director of Collections of the Rijksmuseum
prof.dr. Liesbeth Lijnzaad Legal Adviser, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Professor Practice of International Law at Maastricht University
mr. Rob Polak Formerly partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, and Chairman of the Association of Art, Culture and Law
held on Thursday 17 April 2014 at the Hague Institute for Global Justice
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at [7:00] P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion. 21:43:452019-10-22 23:28:25Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2014
Business and Human Rights: Issues of Legal Accountability
dr. Liesbeth F.H. Enneking Post-doctoral Research Fellow at UCALL, Utrecht University’s Centre for Accountability and Liability Law and co-author of one of the amicus curiae briefs in the Kiobel case before the U.S. Supreme Court
prof.dr. René J.M. Lefeber Professor of International Environmental Law at the Amsterdam Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainability of the University of Amsterdam
mr. Bastiaan Pries Associate General Counsel in the Legal Department of Shell International B.V.
On Monday 3 June 2013 at The Institute For Global Justice, The Hague
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 70 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and announced that the meeting would have to end at around 9:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion. 00:14:392019-10-23 00:10:01Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2013
The Jury of the François Prize received eighteen submissions for this year’s Prize. Most of the submissions deal with a public international law subject. Only one submission concerns a topic of private international law. In 2014 also, the Jury had to conclude that the number of submissions in the field of private international law was lagging far behind when compared to the number of submissions in the field of public international law. If this phenomenon is indicative of the position that private international law currently occupies in academic education in the Netherlands, there is – in view of the societal relevance of private international law in a strongly internationalised society – cause for some concern.çois-Prize.jpg563750KNVIR 10:21:362020-09-19 21:46:06Report of the Jury – François Prize 2016
The jury of the François Prize 2014 received a record-number of 25 submissions, covering a wide range of international law topics. Most of them are on public international law. Only a few concern private international law. The jury notes this development with some concern, but refrains from any speculations as to the cause.çois-Prize.jpg563750KNVIR 16:16:262019-10-16 19:14:29Report of the Jury – François Prize 2014
Voor de Françoisprijs 2012 zijn negentien inzendingen ontvangen. Alle inzendingen zijn door de juryleden gelezen en beoordeeld op de volgende criteria: originaliteit en belang van het onderwerp, systematische en logische denkwijze, kwaliteit van de juridische analyse en van de conclusies, stijl en taalgebruik, en ten slotte de presentatie van het werkstuk.
De inzendingen betreffen zeer verschillende onderwerpen op het terrein van het volkenrecht en van het internationaal privaatrecht. Inzendingen zijn ontvangen van studenten van vrijwel alle Nederlandse universiteiten en tevens, zo heeft de jury verheugd geconstateerd, van studenten van de Opleiding Krijgswetenschappen aan de Nederlandse Defensie Academie te Breda. De kwaliteit van de inzendingen is naar het oordeel van de jury over het algemeen hoog. Het is de jury opgevallen dat veel inzendingen niet alleen in kwaliteit, maar ook in omvang hoog scoren. Werkstukken die tegen de honderd bladzijden beslaan, zijn niet uitzonderlijk.
Jury Report François Prize 2024
François PrizeIt is with immense pleasure that we present to you our jury report for the 2024 François Prize, awarded by the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, KNVIR). The François Prize, established to inspire and promote excellence in the study of public and private international law at universities across the Netherlands, is awarded every two years to recognize the best master’s thesis in these fields.
This year, we had the privilege of reviewing a noteworthy set of submissions, which were anonymized to ensure fairness. Each thesis was carefully evaluated on originality and the relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical presentation of ideas, the strength of legal analysis and conclusions, as well as style. It was truly inspiring to see the high level of scholarship represented in this edition’s entries. That being said, we did notice that the conclusions were generally on the brief side. We strongly encourage the next generation of students to dive into this final section. It is your chance to leave a lasting impression and drive your key points home, as it is often the part readers pay the most attention to. Additionally, we saw a strong focus on English-language literature across all the theses we reviewed. Expanding into more diverse sources could add depth and breadth to future research. One final critical note: we only received a single thesis on private international law. There is room to explore this fascinating field further – hopefully, we will see more work in this area submitted for the prize in the future.
Read moreWinner – François Prize 2024
Front Page, François PrizeAt the Annual General Meeting of 1 November 2024, held in The Hague, the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
Lautaro Pablo Melcón Meroi
Click here for the jury report
Click here for the prize winning paper
Mr Cor de Boer (Groningen University) received an honourable mention for his paper entitled “Perspectives on Advancing Protection for LGBTIQ+ Prisoners of War”.
KNVIR AGM discussion statements
Front Page, Annual General MeetingWith reference to the invitation for this year’s AGM – please see below – kindly note that the discussion statements can be found here.
Read moreKNVIR Annual Meeting 2024 Annoucement
Front Page, Annual General MeetingMissing Links in the Migration Law Debate
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 1 November 2024 at 1.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year’s theme is international migration law. Are the definitions, legal framework and theoretical foundations used fit for purpose? What difficulties arise when we try to “regulate” migration?
Carolus Grütters and Karen Geertsema
will present their paper
Migration? It is the economy stupid! The missing link in the migration law debate
followed by reflections by:
Klara Boonstra
Paradoxes in Labour Migration
Nawal Mustafa
Historical Roots and Postcolonial Remnants
Ian Sumner and Susan Rutten
All in the family? Private International Law Aspects of Migration Law
The meeting starts at 1.30 pm with a members-only administrative session. At 2 pm, the presentations and discussion will start, open to all, followed by drinks. The two-yearly KNVIR François Prize will also be awarded during the meeting.
REGISTRATION: Please email gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by 28 October 2024.
Non-members can receive a copy of the paper (book format, 64 pages) by joining the Society (€35/€20 per year) or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€15 excl. postage).
We hope to welcome you on 1 November!
Spring Meeting 2024
Front Page, Spring MeetingOn 19 June 2024, the Society held its Spring Meeting on “Finding Balance:
Lessons From Courtroom Battles On International Climate Law” in hybrid format.
The presentation by Prof. André Nollkaemper and the Q&A can be viewed here.
WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 2024 19.30 – 21.00
In 2024, a significant shift occurred in the global climate regime. Struggling to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, states across the world found themselves in a new dynamic. Courts, originally not envisioned as key players in interpreting and applying international climate law, took centre stage. This was marked by a landmark judgment from the European Court of Human Rights, and (forthcoming) Advisory Opinions from the Law of the Sea Tribunal, the International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In over 50 states, individuals, civil society groups, and corporate actors have initiated judicial proceedings to challenge governmental and corporate climate policies, often expressly relying on international climate law.
Both international and national courts play a crucial role in clarifying states’ international obligations and responsibilities. However, they must navigate the intricate landscapes of global and national politics and grapple with the inherent limitations of their role in complex societal trade-offs in climate transitions and the search for climate justice.
This presentation will discuss the lessons that we can draw from international and national caselaw so far. It will evaluate how courts have contributed to developing and implementing international climate law and provide perspectives on how they attempt to balance competing interests in this complex global arena.
Prof. André Nollkaemper, University Professor of International Law and Sustainability, University of Amsterdam, will provide a presentation, followed by a Q&A and drinks.
Registration: Please send an email to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by Monday 17 June 2024 indicating whether you would like to attend the meeting in person or online.
Annual General Meeting 2023
Front Page, Annual General MeetingThe Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of 3 November 2023 to the theme: ‘Energy Security in International Economic Law: Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by Leiden University, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre of Leiden University and Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
Wisseling van voorzitter / Change of President KNVIR
General, Annual General MeetingFor English, please see below.
Op 3 november 2023 hield de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR) haar Algemene Ledenvergadering in Den Haag. Tijdens deze vergadering trad Prof. Willem van Genugten af als voorzitter van de KNVIR na deze functie 12 jaar te hebben vervuld. Het bestuur van de vereniging heeft de leden aanbevolen om Prof. Aukje van Hoek, hoogleraar Internationaal Privaatrecht en Burgerlijk Procesrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, te benoemen tot nieuwe voorzitter, hetgeen met consensus is gebeurd. Het Bestuur is Prof. Van Genugten erkentelijk voor al het werk dat hij in de Vereniging heeft geïnvesteerd en wenst Prof. Van Hoek het allerbeste in haar nieuwe rol, die zij vanaf 1 januari 2024 zal vervullen.
On 3 November 2023, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law held its Annual General Meeting in The Hague. During that meeting, Prof. Willem van Genugten stepped down as President of the Society after holding this position for 12 years. The Board of the Society made a recommendation to the members to appoint Prof. Aukje van Hoek, Professor of Private International Law and Civil Procedure at the University of Amsterdam, as the new President, and she was appointed by consensus. The Board is grateful to Prof. Van Genugten for his dedication to the Society over the past 12 years and wishes Prof. Van Hoek all the best in her new role, which she shall take up on 1 January 2024.
KNVIR Annual Meeting 2023 Announcement
Annual General Meeting“Energy Security in International Economic Law:
Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities”
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 3 November 2023 at 2.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to international energy law. Questions concerning worldwide energy security, available dispute resolution mechanisms and the impact of, inter alia, the war in Ukraine on energy policies, in the EU and beyond, will be addressed.
Mr Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre, Leiden University
She will present her paper on Energy Security in International Economic Law:
Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities
Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
She will provide a first reflection on the paper
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR starts at 2:30 pm with an administrative session reserved for its members. At 15:00 hrs., the presentations and discussion on international energy law will begin, which are open to members and non-members. The event will be followed by drinks.
REGISTRATION: If you wish to attend the event, please register by sending a message to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by Monday 30 October 2023 COB.
Members will receive a digital pre-copy of the paper by email prior to the meeting, and a printed version by post after the meeting. Non-members of the Society can request a copy of the paper when registering for the event via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 (see above).
We hope to welcome you on 3 November!
Spring Meeting 2023
Spring MeetingThe Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 7 June 2023 to the theme: ‘The Role of the UN in the Conflict in Ukraine: Attempts to Bypass the UN Charter in the Spirit of the Charter Itself?’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by Leiden University, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Dr. Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor at the Leiden University Institute for History, Prof. Niels Blokker, Professor of International Institutional Law at Leiden University, and Mr. Karel van Oosterom, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
7 JUNE 2023 19.00 – 21.00
While the UN provides refugee protection and humanitarian aid in Ukraine and is actively involved in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, its role in the domain of peace and security is limited: examples include speeches by the UN Secretary-General and the February 2023 General Assembly resolution demanding that the Russian Federation withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory, in line with the UN Charter.
However, GA resolutions lack ‘bite’. The impossibility for the Security Council to act in this conflict has, again, raised the question as to what role the GA and other UN organs can still play. Various initiatives have been taken, such as the GA’s emergency special session and the adoption of GA Res. 76/262 (‘Standing mandate for a GA debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council’). Are these examples of ‘bypassing the UN Charter in the spirit of the Charter itself’, knowing that formal changes of the Charter are not a realistic perspective? Or does the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the use of its veto in the Security Council bring new stimuli to the long-standing negotiations about Security Council Reform?
Dr. Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor at the Leiden University Institute for History, and
Prof. Niels Blokker, Professor of International Institutional Law at Leiden University,
will provide a presentation. This will be followed by a Q&A.
Date and time: Wednesday 7 June 2023, from 19.00-21.00
Location: Leiden University, Campus The Hague, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague, or online via Zoom
Registration: Please send an email to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by 2 June 2023 indicating whether you would like to attend the meeting in person or online via Zoom.
For questions, please contact the Secretary via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902draob1736995902.
Annual General Meeting 2022
Annual General MeetingOn 4 November 2022, the Society held its Annual General Meeting, which explored the theme ‘Shaping International Accountability around Mega-Sporting Events’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here.
Jury Report François Prize 2022
François PrizeIt is with great pleasure that we hereby present to you the jury report of the 2022 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law or Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR). The François Prize was initiated to promote the study of public and private international law at universities in the Netherlands and is award biannually to the very best master thesis in the fields of public or private international law. We read and evaluated the anonymised submissions we received on originality and relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical way of reasoning, the quality of the legal analysis and conclusions, style and, finally, presentation. More information on the Prize can be found in the Byelaws, available on the KNVIR’s website.
Read moreWinner – François Prize 2022
François PrizeAt the Annual General Meeting of 4 November 2022, held in The Hague, the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
Ms Emma R. van den Boogaard
Click here for the jury report
Click here for the prize winning paper
Ms Ingeborg H. de Koningh (Leiden University) received an honourable mention for her paper entitled “Consolidating International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: the Protection from Gender-Based Violence against Women in Non-International Armed Conflict”.
KNVIR Annual Meeting 2022 Announcement
Annual General Meeting“Shaping International Accountability
around Mega-Sporting Events”
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 4 November 2022 at 1.30 p.m.
The Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to legal questions that arise in relation to mega- sporting events, such as:
Dr Daniela Heerdt (Asser Instituut) and Dr Lucas Roorda (Utrecht University)
Human rights abuses at mega-sporting events:
Exploring the responsibilities of participating states and businesses
Prof. Geert Van Calster (KU Leuven)
The private international law aspects of the responsibility and accountability for wrongful acts in the context of mega-sporting events
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
At 13:30 hrs the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted. At 14:00 hrs the presentation and discussion of the reports will start, followed by the announcement of the 2022 François Prize, at which members and non-members are welcome.
Non-members of the Society can receive a copy of the papers (book format, 97 pages) in advance, either by becoming a member of the Society (for €35/€20 per year). Or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€20 excl. postage). Members have received or will receive a copy of the papers in the post.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend the meeting, you are required to register by sending a message to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 no later than Monday 31 October 2022.
We hope to welcome you on 4 November!
Speed-dating mentoring
General, Other Event“Speed-dating mentoring” event organised by the KNVIR and ESIL on 2 September 2022
From 31 August to 2 September inclusive the Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) will take place in Utrecht.
The KNVIR and ESIL have organised a “speed-dating mentoring” event on 2 September between 12:15 and 1:10 pm, where junior international lawyers can meet with more senior scholars and practitioners. Participation is free, but places will be filled on a first come, first served basis!
For further information about the participants and to register (by 31 August), please click here →
Vacatures bij de Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken (CAVV) (Dutch-language vacancy)
GeneralDe Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken (CAVV) heeft meerdere vacatures openstaan. De vacaturetekst vindt u hier. De sluitingsdatum is 31 augustus 2022.
Election of Prof. Yvonne Donders as member of the UN Human Rights Committee
GeneralThe Board of the Society is delighted at the news that Prof. Yvonne Donders has been elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Committee for 2023-2026. Prof. Donders was a member of the Board of the Society from 2012-2021. The Board congratulates her on this achievement.
Statement Executive Board on the Situation in Ukraine
Front Page, GeneralLike so many around the world, the Executive Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law is shocked about the situation currently unfolding in Ukraine. The purpose of our Society is, among other things, to promote public international law. Promotion includes an explicit condemnation of the blatant violations of the international legal order that we are witnessing these days. This is why we fully endorse the statement of Prof. Chinkin, Executive Chair of the International Law Association (ILA), as well as similar statements issued by other national branches of the ILA.
Update 4 March 2022: the Executive Board further fully endorses the statement by the International Law Association, available here.
The Executive Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Spring Meeting 2022
Front Page, Spring MeetingThe Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 24 May 2022, which was held in hybrid format, to the theme: ‘Sanctions as the go-to tool: Do they work and what role for international law?’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by The Hague Humanity Hub, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Prof. Peter van Bergeijk (Erasmus University) and Prof. Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University). The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
24 MAY 2022 16.00 – 18.00
Already before the Russian aggression against Ukraine the stalemate in the UN Security Council increasingly led to a wave of unilateral sanctions. Economic sanctions may seem to have become the instrument of choice to deal with international crises, but the role of the UN Security Council has diminished.
Prof. Peter van Bergeijk (Erasmus University) and Prof. Larissa van den Herik (Leiden University) put the expanding sanctions practice into the perspectives of international relations and international law.
Do sanctions work at all? What drives their success and failure? Why is coordination of sanctions so difficult? Should international law have a more prominent role in governing sanctions?
Importantly, although targeted sanctions remain very present on the sanctions’ menu, there is again a trend towards the recomprehensivation of sanctions, a return to the more comprehensive sanctions of before. What is the future of the sanction instrument?
The speakers will each give a presentation of 20 minutes, followed by the opportunity to ask questions and a discussion.
Date and time: Tuesday 24 May 2022, from 16.00-18.00
Location: The Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague, or online via Zoom
Registration: Please send an email to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 by 19 May 2022 indicating whether you would like to attend the meeting in person or online. If you are attending via Zoom, the link will be sent to the email you use for registration, unless you indicate otherwise.
For questions, please contact the Secretary via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902draob1736995902.
Annual General Meeting 2021
Front Page, Annual General MeetingOn 5 November 2021, the Society held its Annual General Meeting which explored the theme ‘Global Health Law Disrupted: COVID-19 and the Climate Change Crisis’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here.
François Prize 2022 Invitation
François PrizeThe Board of the
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit their Master’s thesis on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
provided that on 31 December 2021 they have obtained their Master’s degree less than two (2) years ago.
Please note that submissions written by more than one author will not be accepted.
The submissions will be judged by a jury chaired by dr G.R. de Groot, Professor emeritus of Comparative Law and Private International Law at Maastricht University. The other two members of the jury are Dr I. Boerefijn, Coordinating Policy Advisor at the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights and former Senior Lecturer in human rights at Utrecht University, and Prof.dr O. Spijkers, LL.M., Professor of Public International Law at the China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (CIBOS) and the Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), and Founding Staff Member of the International Water Law Academy (IWLA) of Wuhan University (China).
Submissions should be sent to the Secretariat of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, in triplicate and anonymized, addressed as follows:
c/o Ms. C.H.M. Verhaar
P.O. Box 778
Each submission must be accompanied by a completed and signed entry form and should reach the Secretariat no later than 31 December 2021. The entry form may be found here.
The François Prize, named after J.P.A. François (1889-1978), was created in 1975 by the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
with a view to encouraging the study of public international law and private international law.
The prize consists of an award of € 2,000 and a certificate.
KNVIR Annual Meeting 2021 Announcement
The COVID-19 pandemic painfully demonstrated that protecting health is of the utmost importance to humankind. Governments everywhere are struggling to deal with the pandemic, alongside their fight against persistent diseases such as malaria and against climate change, whose effects on health conditions are undeniable.
This year, the KNVIR focuses on several major issues in the area of global health law, a field of international law that has developed over a period of 70 years, with the World Health Organization as centrepiece.
At the annual meeting four reports will be presented, addressing the status of global health law, and some of its achievements and challenges. These will be discussed in the context of human rights law, international economic law and environmental law, making it clear that the concerns raised cannot be addressed separately. There may be lessons to be learned for the discipline of international law at large.
The Origins and Scope of Global Health Law
Innovation and Access to Medicines
Climate Change as a Global Health Threat in International Climate Law and Human Rights Law
International Health Law and Pandemics – Will COVID-19 be a Watershed?
At 13:30 hrs CET the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted.
At 14:00 hrs CET the presentation of the reports will start, at which members and non-members are welcome.
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The printed version of the Collected Papers, containing the reports, has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press and may be ordered by non-members by applying to ln.re1736995902ssa@s1736995902serp1736995902 (price € 25.00 + p.&.p.). Members have received or will receive a copy of the Collected Papers via regular mail.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend the meeting, you are required to register by sending a message to gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902tcatn1736995902oc1736995902 no later than Monday 1 November 2021. When you register, please indicate whether you wish to attend in person – at The Hague Humanity Hub – or on-line.
Spring Meeting 2021
The Society devoted its Spring Meeting of 3 June 2021, which was held online and in the Dutch language, to the theme: ‘Internationaal privaatrechtelijke gevolgen van de Brexit’ (Private international law consequences of the Brexit). The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by The Hague Humanity Hub and co-organised by the Internationaal Juridisch Instituut and the legal journal Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Prof. Dr. Ian Sumner, University of Tilburg, Dr. André Berends LL.M. (Dutch Ministry of Finance), Tess Bens LL.M. (Radboud University), Dr. Fieke van Overbeeke LL.M. (Internationaal Juridisch Instituut). The meeting was introduced by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR) and moderated by Prof. Marta Pertegás (member executive board KNVIR).
internationaal privaatrechtelijke gevolgen van de Brexit
van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht
in samenwerking met het Internationaal Juridisch Instituut en het tijdschrift Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht
Online gehouden op
3 juni 2021 16.00 – 18.00
Graag nodigen het Internationaal Juridisch Instituut (IJI), het tijdschrift Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR) u uit voor een webinar over de Internationaal Privaatrechtelijke Gevolgen van de Brexit.
Het webinar zal bestaan uit vier inleidingen van 10-15 minuten elk:
Na de echtscheiding, komt de afwikkeling! Brexit en het internationaal familierecht
Prof. dr. Ian Sumner, hoogleraar IPR, Universiteit van Tilburg
Het internationale insolventierecht tussen Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk sinds de Brexit
Mr. dr. André Berends, specialist bij het Ministerie van Financiën
Brussel na de Brexit – Nieuwe regels voor burgerlijke en handelszaken
Mr. Tess Bens, docent Burgerlijk Recht, Radboud Universiteit
De Brexit vanuit Den Haag: Biedt de Hague Judgments Convention uitkomst?[1]
Dr. Mr. Fieke van Overbeeke, CEO & Legal Counsel, Internationaal Juridisch Instituut
[1] De titel van dit programmaonderdeel is onder voorbehoud.
Aansluitend is er ruimte voor vragen en discussie. De inleidingen zijn in het Nederlands, maar vragen en discussiebijdragen kunnen tevens worden gesteld/geleverd in het Engels. Het webinar wordt gemodereerd door Prof. dr. Marta Pertegás Sender, hoogleraar IPR en Transnationaal Recht, Universiteit Maastricht en lid van het Dagelijks Bestuur van de KNVIR.
Datum en tijd: donderdag 3 juni, van 16.00 tot 18.00 uur, via Zoom.
Aanmelden: leden van de KNVIR en andere geïnteresseerden kunnen zich aanmelden t/m dinsdag 1 juni via gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902ofni1736995902, onder vermelding van het emailadres waarop zij de link voor het webinar wensen te ontvangen.
Voor vragen kunt u contact opnemen met de Secretaris van de KNVIR: gro.r1736995902ivnk@1736995902draob1736995902.
Annual General Meeting 2020
General, Annual General MeetingThe Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of November 6, which was held online, to the theme: ‘International Law for a Digitalised World’. The recording of the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here. (Please note that the video starts rather abruptly, while for technical reasons the parts on the voting on the propositions have been left out.)
Report of the Jury – François Prize 2020
François PrizeOn 6 November 2020, the KNVIR awarded the biennial Francois Prize. The report of the jury reads as follows:
It is my great pleasure and honour to present the jury report of the 2020 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law. The François Prize was created to promote the study of public international law and private international law and is offered, every other year, to an excellent master’s thesis or other comparable paper in these fields of law. Ph.D. dissertations, books, articles published in scientific journals or publications that otherwise have been reviewed and revised externally do not qualify. The anonymised submissions are judged on originality and relevance of the topic, the systematic and logical way of thinking, the quality of the legal analysis and conclusions, style and, finally, presentation. More information on the Prize can be found in its Bye-Laws, available on the Society’s website.
Read moreWinner – François Prize 2020
François PrizeAt the Annual Meeting on 6 November 2020, which was held online,
the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
Mr. Vassilis Dokalis
Annual General Meeting on 06-11-2020
Annual Meeting of the
Friday 6 November 2020 at 13:30 CET
KNVIR Spring Meeting 2020
Spring MeetingThe video of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law’s Spring Meeting ‘The WTO Before, During and After Corona’, organised on 24 June 2020 in cooperation with the T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
The (adapted) power point presentation of the Spring Meeting’s speaker, Prof. Peter van den Bossche, can be found here:
The WTO Before, During and After Corona
of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
to be held online on
Wednesday 24 JUNE 2020 16.00 – 17.00 Hrs (cet)
The WTO, established on 1 January 1995, has for a long time been one of the success stories of international law. This is largely due to its track record in the settlement of disputes: since 1995, 595 disputes have been brought to the WTO, while over 350 rulings have been issued. However, in recent times, the Organization has been challenged by, inter alia, inconclusive discussions on multilateral trade, a growing emphasis on nationalism and protectionism, at least in some states, the lack of attention to the position of developing states (despite the 2013 ‘Bali Package’), the blocking of the appointment of judges in the Dispute Settlement Body, and, in recent times, the nearly unforeseeable trade consequences of COVID-19.
For obvious reasons, the Society’s traditional ‘Voorjaarsvergadering’ (Spring Meeting) cannot take its usual shape this year. The Board of the Society therefore invites its Members and others who are interested to attend this online meeting. The event will have an informative as well as forward-looking character, and will be introduced by Prof. Peter Van den Bossche, judge in the WTO Appellate Body from 2009 to 2019, Professor of International Economic Law, University of Bern, and Director of Studies, World Trade Institute, Bern. Prof. Van den Bossche is an honorary professor at Maastricht University, the Netherlands (since 2018), and a visiting professor at the LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy (since 2016), at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador (since 2016), and at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (since 2010).
The event will run for one hour, with half an hour being reserved for the introductory lecture by Prof. Van den Bossche and half an hour for Q&A and some discussion, depending on the time available.
Date and Time: Wednesday 24 June 2020, 16.00-17.00 hrs (CET), via Zoom.
Registration: Members and non-members are welcome to attend. Registration is required. Please register for free by Monday 22 June 2020 by sending an email to .gro.1736995902rivnk1736995902@ofni1736995902
Access to the Audiovisual Library of International Law of the United Nations
GeneralThis week, Mr. Huw Llewellyn, Director of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations invited members of the KNVIR to make use of the international law training and research materials available in the UN’s Audiovisual Library of International Law (AVL), which may be accessed here.
The AVL contains more than 600 lectures on a large number of international law subjects and in the Historic Archives you may find more than 100 legal instruments, together with introductory notes prepared by internationally recognised experts, as well as audiovisual materials.
The AVL is also available as a podcast here.
Given the outbreak of Covid-19 and the present need for online educational materials and resources, the AVL may provide very useful materials, especially for our members in academia. Please feel free to make use of these materials and resources.
Annual General Meeting 2019
Annual General MeetingOn 1 November 2019, during the Annual General Meeting, three preadviseurs – prof. Göran Sluiter, prof. Stephan Parmentier and dr. Antoine Duval presented their reports on, in summary, the progress and non-progress made in the field of international criminal law over the last 25 years, on alternatives for criminal prosecution and on the way companies have been encountering criminal proceedings. In doing so they also paid extensive attention to the shortcomings to be addressed and the gaps to be filled in order to end impunity for international crimes. Unfortunately, dr. Eva Kassoti, co-author of one pf the reports, together with dr. Duval, was absent, due to illness.
mr. Fons Orie, invited by the Board to do so, commented on the three papers. Following these presentations, the audience was asked to add their comments and raise their questions, which led to a lively debate that took the remainder of the afternoon. Many of those present participated in the discussion and, in their interaction with the presenters, contributed to a very interesting meeting.
From left to right: prof. W. van Genugten, prof. G. Sluiter, prof. S. Parmentier, dr. A. Duval, mr. F. Orie and dr. E. Kassoti
A full report of the proceedings will be published on this website as soon as it is available.
“Preadvies” by prof. dr. S. Parmentier on ‘Living Up To International Criminal Law State of Affairs, Prospects And Mandates’
Annual General MeetingThe “Preadvies” by prof. dr. S. Parmentier on ‘Living Up To International Criminal Law State of Affairs, Prospects And Mandates’ is now available online.
Preadvies 2019
prof. dr. S. Parmentier
Addendum to ‘Living up to International Criminal Law: State of Affairs, Prospects and Mandates’
It will be presented by the author at the Annual Meeting on 1 November.
Annual General Meeting on 01-11-2019
Annual General MeetingLiving Up To International Criminal Law
State of Affairs, Prospects And Mandates
Annual Meeting of The
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
On Friday 1 November 2019 At 1:30 P.M.
Room 2.02 (klein auditorium), wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
Read more
Submissions – François Prize 2020
François PrizeThe Board of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2020
provided that on 31 December 2019 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Read more79th Session of the Institut de Droit international
Other EventMembers of the KNVIR are invited to attend the following meetings of this IDI Session:
Spring Meeting 2019
Spring MeetingThe UN In Times of Global Challenges
Insights from The Security Council
The UN in times of Global challenges
Spring MeetingSpring Meeting 2019 on 18 April
The UN in times of Global challenges
Insights from the Security Council
Keynote Speakers
Ambassador Karel van Oosterom
Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the United Nations
Ambassador Peter Wilson
British Ambassador to the Netherlands and UK Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Read more
Spring Meeting 2019 on 18 April
Spring MeetingThe UN In Times of Global Challenges
Insights from The Security Council
Spring Meeting of The
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
On Thursday 18 April 2019 At 17:30 hrs.
Room 2.02 (klein auditorium), wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
Ambassador Karel van Oosterom
Permanent Representative of The Kingdom of The Netherlands to The United Nations
Meeting jointly organised by
The Netherlands United Nations Association (Nvvn), The Royal Netherlands Society Of International Law and The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Hhs) Leiden University
Read moreAnnual General Meeting 2018
Annual General MeetingA successful Annual General Meeting was held on 2 November
Climate change, the subject of this year’s Annual General Meeting, drew a large crowd to the Wijnhavengebouw of Leiden University’s The Hague campus on 2 November.
Read moreReport of the Jury – François Prize 2018
François PrizeIt is my great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2018 François Prize of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law to you today at our annual meeting. This prize is a bi-annual prize that honours the best Master’s thesis in the fields of public international law or private international law written at a Dutch University in the past two years, in as much as these papers have not yet been published and have been sent to the jury. The anonymous or anonymized submissions are judged among other things on their originality, their demonstration of a profound understanding of the law in a particular field, and the language used. For those interested, you may find the Bye-Laws for the Prize on our website.
Read moreWinner – François Prize 2018
François PrizeAt the Annual Meeting in The Hague on 2 November 2018
the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
Ms. Julie Albers
Click here for the text of the prize winning paper
prof. Soons’ “Preadvies” on Climate Change is now available online
Annual General MeetingThe “Preadvies” by prof. mr. dr. A.H.A. (Fred) Soons on ‘Climate Change:
Options and Duties under International Law’ is available online
Addendum to ‘Climate Change: Options and Duties under International Law’
It has been presented by the author at the Annual Meeting on 2 November.
Annual General Meeting on 02-11-2018
Annual General MeetingClimate Change
Options And Duties Under International Law
Annual Meeting of The
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
On Friday 2 November 2018 At 1:30 P.M.
Room 2.02 (klein auditorium), wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
Read more
The ‘Private’ in Private International Law
Other EventAll are invited to the Maastricht Private Law Lecture, 11-12 October 2018, by prof. dr. Symeon C. Symeonides. The topic of the lecture is The ‘Private’ in Private International Law.
The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, is an annual event at which a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a topic related to the wide field of private law. An interactive seminar with PhD-researchers will follow on the next day.
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2018
Spring MeetingThe Children of the Caliphate and International Law
Senior research fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and research fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)
Behaviourist, Dutch Council for Child Protection
Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:00 hrs.
Room 3.60, wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2018
On 13 June, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR) organised its Spring Meeting on the topic of ‘The Children of the Caliphate and International Law’. This event examined state responses regarding the children of parents who joined the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from the perspectives of states’ obligations under international law and child protection. Particular attention was paid to the policy in the Netherlands, which – like several other states –does not actively repatriate Dutch children back to the Netherlands.
Read more
Spring Meeting 2018
Spring MeetingThe Children of the Caliphate and International Law
Senior research fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and research fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)
Behaviourist, Dutch Council for Child Protection
Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:00 hrs.
Room 3.60, wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague
With the crumbling of IS’ Caliphate new challenges have come to the surface. One such challenge that has been discussed vigorously over the past weeks and months, is what to do with the ‘Children of the Caliphate’, that is to say: the children of parents who joined IS in Iraq and Syria. What does international law say about the obligations of states in this matter and how should we assess certain governmental practices, such as those of the Netherlands, which currently does not actively repatriate Dutch children back to the Netherlands, taking into account international law, as well as other perspectives?
Read more
Theo van Boven – Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018
GeneralThe jury of the Theo van Boven – Maastricht Human Rights Research Prize 2018 is looking for excellent young researchers in the field of human rights law, international criminal law or international humanitarian law. Nominations must be received by 15 September 2018.
The Prize consists of 3.000 Euro and a seminar on a subject chosen by the laureate, organized together with the International Law Department and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht Law faculty. The winner will be announced on Human Rights Day 2018.
The nomination must identify the PhD thesis of the nominee or other substantial academic work in this field and a motivation must be attached as to the quality of the researcher nominated. Nominations on the basis of publications in Dutch, English, French, as well as German are welcome. Self-nominations or nominations by close relatives will not be accepted.
For more info, and to nominate someone, see this website.
Registration open for ILA Conference in Sydney
ILAYou can now register for the ILA meeting in Sydney. Please go to this website. Early bird fees apply.
78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, in Sydney 19-24 August 2018
ILAThe ILA Australian Branch is pleased to announce that the conference website for the 78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, which will be held in Sydney 19-24 August 2018 is now live. The website will be updated in coming weeks with further details on the programme, registration details and conference fees. You can also follow the official ILA 2018 Conference Facebook page.
Call for Papers and Panels – 2018 ILA Conference Sydney
ILAThe Australian Branch of the International Law Association is hosting the next biennial conference from 19 to 24 August 2018. To assist in building the parallel program for the conference, the Australian Branch has released a Call for Papers and Panels – 2018 ILA Conference Sydney (,pdf). Submissions may be emailed to the address indicated in the call. Additional information may be found on the conference website:
Annual General Meeting 2017
Annual General MeetingProtecting The Rights of Families And Children In A Changing World
On Friday 3 November 2017 the Annual General Meeting was held at The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of two papers on the theme mentioned above.
Read more
Submissions – François Prize 2018
François PrizeThe Board of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2018
provided that on 31 December 2017 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Read moreImportant recent appointments
GeneralOn 28 August 2017, our honorary member prof. mr. dr. Nico J. Schrijver was sworn in by His Majesty King Willem Alexander as State Councillor (Staatsraad) in the Advisory Division (Afdeling advisering) of the Council of State (Raad van State).
prof. Schrijver is professor of public international law at Leiden University and Director of the University’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. From 7 June 2011 until 1 September 2017, when he took up his position as State Councillor, prof. Schrijver was a member of the Netherlands Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal). He also is one of the four Dutch members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
Earlier this summer, our Board member prof. dr. Liesbeth Lijnzaad was elected as a judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea at Hamburg.
prof. Lijnzaad is the first judge from The Netherlands to occupy this position. On 30 September 2017, the day before she takes up her new position at the ITLOS, she will leave the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she worked as Legal Adviser for almost 25 years. prof. Lijnzaad also is professor of Practice of International Law at Maastricht University and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
The KNVIR congratulates prof. Schrijver and prof. Lijnzaad with their highly prestigious appointments.
Proceedings of The Spring Meeting 2017
Spring MeetingFake News and National Sovereignty
The dangers of politically and militarily motivated fake news and its impace on national interests
Director of Information Society and Action against Crime, Council of Europe
Analyst National Security, National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, Analysis and Strategy Department (DAS)
Head International Cyber Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tuesday 13 june 2017 at 19:00 Hrs.
The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Sophialaan 10, The Hague
Proceedings of The Spring Meeting 2017
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law is attended by more than 50 members and non-members. The Chairman, prof. Willem van Genugten, opens the meeting by announcing the unexpected absence of the special guest dr. K.H.D.M. Dijkhoff, Minister for Migration (Staatssecretaris Veiligheid en Justitie), who was invited for the book presentation at the beginning of the meeting. The collapse, yesterday, of the negotiations for a new government, means that dr. Dijkhoff has to attend a meeting in parliament tonight. Under the circumstances the presentation is replaced by a brief introduction of the two books.
Read more
Spring Meeting 2017 on 13 June
Spring MeetingFake News and National Sovereignty
The dangers of politically and militarily motivated fake news and its impace on national interests
Spring Meeting of The
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Tuesday 13 june 2017 at 19:00 Hrs.
The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Sophialaan 10, The Hague
mr. Jan Kleijssen
Director of Information Society and Action against Crime, Council of Europe
Rosa S.E.V. Toxopeus, M.A.
Analyst National Security, National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, Analysis and Strategy Department (DAS)
drs. Carmen Gonsalves
Head International Cyber Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Read more
Winner – François Prize 2016
François PrizeAt the Annual Meeting in Utrecht on 4 November 2016
the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
Ms. Catherine A. Blanchard
Click here for the text of the prize winning paper
A revised version of the paper was published in the Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 53 (2015), p. 66-118.
mr. Martijn J. Keeman received honourable mention.
Annual General Meeting 2016
Annual General MeetingUN Declaration on the Right to Development 1986-2016
Ways to Promote Further Progress in Practice
On Friday 4 November 2016 the Annual General Meeting was held in Utrecht.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of two papers on the theme mentioned above.
Read more
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2016
Spring MeetingMigration, Refugees and International Law
Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen
Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law
The Spring Meeting was held on Wednesday 25 May 2016 in The Hague
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2016
The Chairman, prof.dr. Willem J.M. van Genugten, opens the Annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law at 7:05 P.M. and welcomes the approximately 40 persons present. The meeting is also intended to commemorate the late KNVIR Treasurer dr. Peter J. van Krieken, who passed away last year and was a specialist in the field of refugees and migrant law. He was a member of the Board from 2008-2015. An In Memoriam can be found on the website of the KNVIR. The Chair subsequently introduces the three speakers: mr. Bram van Ojik (Special Envoy for Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), mr. Flip Schüller (lawyer at Prakken d’Oliveira, Amsterdam), and dr. Hans van Loon (former Secretary-General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law).
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Spring Meeting 2016
Spring MeetingMigration, Refugees and International Law
Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen
Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law
The Spring Meeting was held on Wednesday 25 May 2016 in The Hague
Asylum, migration and refugee issues dominate the news, and confront the community of international lawyers with pertinent questions as to clashes between political pragmatism, required given the magnitude of the problems at hand, and the obligation to live up to international law. The KNVIR devoted its annual Spring Meeting to this particular topic by organising a discussion among the Special Envoy for Migration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and two legal specialists, together representing the two ‘branches’ of the KNVIR: Public and Private International Law. The meeting also commemorated the late KNVIR Treasurer dr. Peter J. van Krieken, who was a specialist in this field as well.
Annual General Meeting 2015
Annual General MeetingSettlement of International Trade Disputes
Achievements and Challenges
On Friday 6 November 2015 the Annual General Meeting was held at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of four papers on the theme mentioned above.
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Submissions – François Prize 2016
François PrizeThe Board of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2016
provided that on 31 December 2015 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Read moreIn Memoriam dr. P.J. van Krieken 1949-2015
GeneralIn Memoriam
dr. P.J. van Krieken
1949 – 2015
Charming, intelligent, internationalist, slightly eccentric, committed and engaging: these are only a few words to describe the multifaceted personality of dr. Peter van Krieken, Treasurer of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, who passed away, aged 65, on 22 May 2015 after a brief but devastating illness. Peter was a very well educated and talented man, who knew his classics, was a passionate violinist and a gifted teacher.
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ESIL 11th Annual Conference
Other EventThe Judicialization of International Law – A Mixed Blessing
The 2015 ESIL Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 10 – Saturday 12 September 2015 at the University of Oslo.
The Call for Agora Proposals and Papers and Call for Posters are now open, and the deadline for submissions is 31 January 2015.
Further details of the event can be found on the conference website…
Winner – François Prize 2014
François PrizeAt the Annual Meeting in Utrecht on 7 November 2014
the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to:
mr. Arron N. Honniball
Click here for the text of the prize winning paper
mr. Itamar Magid received honourable mention.
Annual General Meeting 2014
Annual General MeetingRefining human rights obligations in conflict situations
On Friday 7 November 2014 the Annual General Meeting was held at the Raadzaal of Utrecht University.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of three papers on the theme mentioned above.
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ILA Biennial Conference 2014
ILAThe 76th ILA Biennial Conference took place from 7-11 April 2014 in Washington, D.C.
The conference coincided with and was intertwined with the ASIL 108th annual meeting. The theme was ‘The Effectiveness of International Law’. Some 470 ILA-members attended (as well as more than 1000 ASIL-members).
The ILA’s core work (committees on various topics, studying and reporting, and sometimes finalising their work with resolutions) took place in an inspiring and friendly atmosphere.
A number of committees and study groups held open working sessions, all of which were well attended. Reports of these sessions will be included in the final report of the conference, alongside the substantive reports of these committees and study groups.
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Correct Version Preadvies Van Loon & De Dycker
Annual General MeetingPlease note that by mistake, the KNVIR submitted an incorrect version of the preadvies written by Hans van Loon and Stéphanie De Dycker, entitled ‘The Role of the International Court of Justice in the Development of Private International Law’, to the publisher. Our sincere apologies for this.
The Role of the International Court of Justice in the Development of Private International Law
Annual General Meeting 2013
Annual General MeetingOne Century Peace Palace, from Past to Present
On Friday 1 November 2013 the Annual General Meeting was held at the Peace Palace in The Hague.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of three papers on the theme mentioned above.
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Submissions – François Prize 2014
François PrizeThe Board of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the
François Prize 2014
provided that on 31 December 2013 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.
Read moreMinutes of The Spring Meeting 2015
Spring MeetingArbitration as a means of solving international disputes
Advantages and Risks
Secretary General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Professor of Global Law (2015) at Tilburg University
Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, Associate Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at Utrecht University and Professor of EU Civil Procedure at the University of Rijeka, Croatia
held on Tuesday 21 April 2015 at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2015
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.
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Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2014
Spring MeetingLooting of Cultural Property during Foreign Occupation
Director of Collections of the Rijksmuseum
Legal Adviser, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Professor Practice of International Law at Maastricht University
Formerly partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, and Chairman of the Association of Art, Culture and Law
held on Thursday 17 April 2014 at the Hague Institute for Global Justice
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2014
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at [7:00] P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.
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Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2013
Spring MeetingBusiness and Human Rights: Issues of Legal Accountability
Post-doctoral Research Fellow at UCALL, Utrecht University’s Centre for Accountability and Liability Law and co-author of one of the amicus curiae briefs in the Kiobel case before the U.S. Supreme Court
Professor of International Environmental Law at the Amsterdam Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainability of the University of Amsterdam
Associate General Counsel in the Legal Department of Shell International B.V.
On Monday 3 June 2013 at The Institute For Global Justice, The Hague
Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2013
The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 70 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and announced that the meeting would have to end at around 9:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.
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Report of the Jury – François Prize 2016
François PrizeThe Jury of the François Prize received eighteen submissions for this year’s Prize. Most of the submissions deal with a public international law subject. Only one submission concerns a topic of private international law. In 2014 also, the Jury had to conclude that the number of submissions in the field of private international law was lagging far behind when compared to the number of submissions in the field of public international law. If this phenomenon is indicative of the position that private international law currently occupies in academic education in the Netherlands, there is – in view of the societal relevance of private international law in a strongly internationalised society – cause for some concern.
Read moreReport of the Jury – François Prize 2014
François PrizeThe jury of the François Prize 2014 received a record-number of 25 submissions, covering a wide range of international law topics. Most of them are on public international law. Only a few concern private international law. The jury notes this development with some concern, but refrains from any speculations as to the cause.
Read moreJuryrapport Françoisprijs 2012
François PrizeVoor de Françoisprijs 2012 zijn negentien inzendingen ontvangen. Alle inzendingen zijn door de juryleden gelezen en beoordeeld op de volgende criteria: originaliteit en belang van het onderwerp, systematische en logische denkwijze, kwaliteit van de juridische analyse en van de conclusies, stijl en taalgebruik, en ten slotte de presentatie van het werkstuk.
De inzendingen betreffen zeer verschillende onderwerpen op het terrein van het volkenrecht en van het internationaal privaatrecht. Inzendingen zijn ontvangen van studenten van vrijwel alle Nederlandse universiteiten en tevens, zo heeft de jury verheugd geconstateerd, van studenten van de Opleiding Krijgswetenschappen aan de Nederlandse Defensie Academie te Breda. De kwaliteit van de inzendingen is naar het oordeel van de jury over het algemeen hoog. Het is de jury opgevallen dat veel inzendingen niet alleen in kwaliteit, maar ook in omvang hoog scoren. Werkstukken die tegen de honderd bladzijden beslaan, zijn niet uitzonderlijk.
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