Missing Links in the Migration Law Debate
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 1 November 2024 at 1.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year’s theme is international migration law. Are the definitions, legal framework and theoretical foundations used fit for purpose? What difficulties arise when we try to “regulate” migration?
Carolus Grütters and Karen Geertsema
will present their paper
Migration? It is the economy stupid! The missing link in the migration law debate
followed by reflections by:
Klara Boonstra
Paradoxes in Labour Migration
Nawal Mustafa
Historical Roots and Postcolonial Remnants
Ian Sumner and Susan Rutten
All in the family? Private International Law Aspects of Migration Law
The meeting starts at 1.30 pm with a members-only administrative session. At 2 pm, the presentations and discussion will start, open to all, followed by drinks. The two-yearly KNVIR François Prize will also be awarded during the meeting.
REGISTRATION: Please email gro.r1736989614ivnk@1736989614tcatn1736989614oc1736989614 by 28 October 2024.
Non-members can receive a copy of the paper (book format, 64 pages) by joining the Society (€35/€20 per year) or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€15 excl. postage).
We hope to welcome you on 1 November!
The Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of 3 November 2023 to the theme: ‘Energy Security in International Economic Law: Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities’. The recording of the meeting, which was hosted by Leiden University, can be viewed here. Speakers were: Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre of Leiden University and Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute. The meeting was introduced and moderated by Prof. Willem van Genugten (President KNVIR).
For English, please see below.
Op 3 november 2023 hield de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (KNVIR) haar Algemene Ledenvergadering in Den Haag. Tijdens deze vergadering trad Prof. Willem van Genugten af als voorzitter van de KNVIR na deze functie 12 jaar te hebben vervuld. Het bestuur van de vereniging heeft de leden aanbevolen om Prof. Aukje van Hoek, hoogleraar Internationaal Privaatrecht en Burgerlijk Procesrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, te benoemen tot nieuwe voorzitter, hetgeen met consensus is gebeurd. Het Bestuur is Prof. Van Genugten erkentelijk voor al het werk dat hij in de Vereniging heeft geïnvesteerd en wenst Prof. Van Hoek het allerbeste in haar nieuwe rol, die zij vanaf 1 januari 2024 zal vervullen.
On 3 November 2023, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law held its Annual General Meeting in The Hague. During that meeting, Prof. Willem van Genugten stepped down as President of the Society after holding this position for 12 years. The Board of the Society made a recommendation to the members to appoint Prof. Aukje van Hoek, Professor of Private International Law and Civil Procedure at the University of Amsterdam, as the new President, and she was appointed by consensus. The Board is grateful to Prof. Van Genugten for his dedication to the Society over the past 12 years and wishes Prof. Van Hoek all the best in her new role, which she shall take up on 1 January 2024.
“Energy Security in International Economic Law:
Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities”
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 3 November 2023 at 2.30 p.m.
Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP Den Haag
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to international energy law. Questions concerning worldwide energy security, available dispute resolution mechanisms and the impact of, inter alia, the war in Ukraine on energy policies, in the EU and beyond, will be addressed.
Mr Dr Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor, Grotius Centre, Leiden University
She will present her paper on Energy Security in International Economic Law:
Balancing Legal Ambitions and Geopolitical Realities
Dr Louise van Schaik, Head of Unit EU & Global Affairs/Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
She will provide a first reflection on the paper
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR starts at 2:30 pm with an administrative session reserved for its members. At 15:00 hrs., the presentations and discussion on international energy law will begin, which are open to members and non-members. The event will be followed by drinks.
REGISTRATION: If you wish to attend the event, please register by sending a message to gro.r1736989614ivnk@1736989614tcatn1736989614oc1736989614 by Monday 30 October 2023 COB.
Members will receive a digital pre-copy of the paper by email prior to the meeting, and a printed version by post after the meeting. Non-members of the Society can request a copy of the paper when registering for the event via gro.r1736989614ivnk@1736989614tcatn1736989614oc1736989614 (see above).
We hope to welcome you on 3 November!
On 4 November 2022, the Society held its Annual General Meeting, which explored the theme ‘Shaping International Accountability around Mega-Sporting Events’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here.
“Shaping International Accountability
around Mega-Sporting Events”
Annual General Meeting of the
Royal Netherlands Society of International Law
Friday 4 November 2022 at 1.30 p.m.
The Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, The Hague
This year the Society dedicates its Annual General Meeting to legal questions that arise in relation to mega- sporting events, such as:
- Who is responsible for violations of national or international law? The government putting out the tender, the organisers (IOC, FIFA), or the companies contracted to build the stadiums, roads, and hotels? How are these responsibilities divided up and how can different actors be held accountable?
- What should be done for victims, in particular labour migrants, but also for victims whose property is expropriated or who are subject to “administrative detention”?
- What should be done in the future to prevent repetition as much as possible? What are the shortcomings of current legislation and how can we, practically speaking, close the (major) gaps between theory and practice?
Dr Daniela Heerdt (Asser Instituut) and Dr Lucas Roorda (Utrecht University)
Human rights abuses at mega-sporting events:
Exploring the responsibilities of participating states and businesses
Prof. Geert Van Calster (KU Leuven)
The private international law aspects of the responsibility and accountability for wrongful acts in the context of mega-sporting events
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
At 13:30 hrs the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted. At 14:00 hrs the presentation and discussion of the reports will start, followed by the announcement of the 2022 François Prize, at which members and non-members are welcome.
Non-members of the Society can receive a copy of the papers (book format, 97 pages) in advance, either by becoming a member of the Society (for €35/€20 per year). Or by ordering the book from Asser Press (€20 excl. postage). Members have received or will receive a copy of the papers in the post.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend the meeting, you are required to register by sending a message to gro.r1736989614ivnk@1736989614tcatn1736989614oc1736989614 no later than Monday 31 October 2022.
We hope to welcome you on 4 November!
On 5 November 2021, the Society held its Annual General Meeting which explored the theme ‘Global Health Law Disrupted: COVID-19 and the Climate Change Crisis’. A video recording of the speakers’ presentations and the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here.
The COVID-19 pandemic painfully demonstrated that protecting health is of the utmost importance to humankind. Governments everywhere are struggling to deal with the pandemic, alongside their fight against persistent diseases such as malaria and against climate change, whose effects on health conditions are undeniable.
This year, the KNVIR focuses on several major issues in the area of global health law, a field of international law that has developed over a period of 70 years, with the World Health Organization as centrepiece.
At the annual meeting four reports will be presented, addressing the status of global health law, and some of its achievements and challenges. These will be discussed in the context of human rights law, international economic law and environmental law, making it clear that the concerns raised cannot be addressed separately. There may be lessons to be learned for the discipline of international law at large.
The Origins and Scope of Global Health Law
Innovation and Access to Medicines
Climate Change as a Global Health Threat in International Climate Law and Human Rights Law
International Health Law and Pandemics – Will COVID-19 be a Watershed?
At 13:30 hrs CET the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR will be held, to which only members are admitted.
At 14:00 hrs CET the presentation of the reports will start, at which members and non-members are welcome.
The presentations and discussion will be held in English.
The printed version of the Collected Papers, containing the reports, has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press and may be ordered by non-members by applying to ln.re1736989614ssa@s1736989614serp1736989614 (price € 25.00 + p.&.p.). Members have received or will receive a copy of the Collected Papers via regular mail.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend the meeting, you are required to register by sending a message to gro.r1736989614ivnk@1736989614tcatn1736989614oc1736989614 no later than Monday 1 November 2021. When you register, please indicate whether you wish to attend in person – at The Hague Humanity Hub – or on-line.
The Society devoted its Annual General Meeting of November 6, which was held online, to the theme: ‘International Law for a Digitalised World’. The recording of the discussion of the Collected Papers can be viewed here. (Please note that the video starts rather abruptly, while for technical reasons the parts on the voting on the propositions have been left out.)