
The Children of the Caliphate and International Law


  • dr. Bibi van Ginkel, LLM
    Senior research fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and research fellow, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague (ICCT)
  • drs. Mattie van der Molen
    Behaviourist, Dutch Council for Child Protection

Thursday 13 June 2019 at 19:00 hrs.
Room 3.60, wijnhavengebouw,
Campus The Hague, Leiden University
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP The Hague

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2018

On 13 June, the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR) organised its Spring Meeting on the topic of ‘The Children of the Caliphate and International Law’. This event examined state responses regarding the children of parents who joined the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from the perspectives of states’ obligations under international law and child protection. Particular attention was paid to the policy in the Netherlands, which – like several other states –does not actively repatriate Dutch children back to the Netherlands.

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Fake News and National Sovereignty

The dangers of politically and militarily motivated fake news and its impace on national interests


  • mr. Jan Kleijssen
    Director of Information Society and Action against Crime, Council of Europe
  • Rosa S.E.V. Toxopeus, M.A.
    Analyst National Security, National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, Analysis and Strategy Department (DAS)
  • drs. Carmen Gonsalves
    Head International Cyber Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tuesday 13 june 2017 at 19:00 Hrs.
The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Sophialaan 10, The Hague

Proceedings of The Spring Meeting 2017

The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law is attended by more than 50 members and non-members. The Chairman, prof. Willem van Genugten, opens the meeting by announcing the unexpected absence of the special guest dr. K.H.D.M. Dijkhoff, Minister for Migration (Staatssecretaris Veiligheid en Justitie), who was invited for the book presentation at the beginning of the meeting. The collapse, yesterday, of the negotiations for a new government, means that dr. Dijkhoff has to attend a meeting in parliament tonight. Under the circumstances the presentation is replaced by a brief introduction of the two books.

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Migration, Refugees and International Law


  • drs. Bram van Ojik
    Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • prof. dr. Ashley B. Terlouw
    Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen
    Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen
  • dr. Hans van Loon
    Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law

The Spring Meeting was held on Wednesday 25 May 2016 in The Hague

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2016

The Chairman, prof.dr. Willem J.M. van Genugten, opens the Annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law at 7:05 P.M. and welcomes the approximately 40 persons present. The meeting is also intended to commemorate the late KNVIR Treasurer dr. Peter J. van Krieken, who passed away last year and was a specialist in the field of refugees and migrant law. He was a member of the Board from 2008-2015. An In Memoriam can be found on the website of the KNVIR. The Chair subsequently introduces the three speakers: mr. Bram van Ojik (Special Envoy for Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), mr. Flip Schüller (lawyer at Prakken d’Oliveira, Amsterdam), and dr. Hans van Loon (former Secretary-General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law).

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Arbitration as a means of solving international disputes

Advantages and Risks


  • mr. Hugo H. Siblesz
    Secretary General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • prof.dr. Jamal Seifi
    Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Professor of Global Law (2015) at Tilburg University
  • prof.dr. Vesna Lazic
    Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, Associate Professor of International Commercial Arbitration at Utrecht University and Professor of EU Civil Procedure at the University of Rijeka, Croatia

held on Tuesday 21 April 2015 at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2015

The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.

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Looting of Cultural Property during Foreign Occupation


  • mr. Taco Dibbits
    Director of Collections of the Rijksmuseum
  • prof.dr. Liesbeth Lijnzaad
    Legal Adviser, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and 
Professor Practice of International Law at Maastricht University
  • mr. Rob Polak
    Formerly partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, and 
Chairman of the Association of Art, Culture and Law

held on Thursday 17 April 2014 at the Hague Institute for Global Justice

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2014

The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 40 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at [7:00] P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.

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Business and Human Rights: Issues of Legal Accountability


  • dr. Liesbeth F.H. Enneking
    Post-doctoral Research Fellow at UCALL, Utrecht University’s 
Centre for Accountability and Liability Law and co-author of one of the amicus curiae briefs in the Kiobel case before the U.S. Supreme Court
  • prof.dr. René J.M. Lefeber
    Professor of International Environmental Law at the Amsterdam Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainability of the University of Amsterdam
  • mr. Bastiaan Pries
    Associate General Counsel in the Legal Department of
 Shell International B.V.

On Monday 3 June 2013 at The Institute For Global Justice, The Hague

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2013

The annual Spring Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law was attended by about 70 members and non-members. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. and announced that the meeting would have to end at around 9:00 P.M. He then introduced the three speakers and invited them to give their respective presentations, to be followed immediately by a discussion.

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