François Prize

Submissions – François Prize 2020

The Board of the

Royal Netherlands Society of International Law


those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject of public international law or private international law to compete for the

François Prize 2020

provided that on 31 December 2019 they have passed their exam less than two (2) years ago.

Please note that submissions written by more than one author will not be accepted.

The submissions will be judged by a jury chaired by mr. dr. Ch.Y.M. Paulussen, Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute. The other two members of the jury are prof. mr. dr. G.R. de Groot, Professor emeritus of Comparative Law and Private International Law at Maastricht University, and dr. I. Boerefijn, Coordinating Policy Advisor at the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights and former Senior Lecturer in human rights at Utrecht University.

Submissions should be sent to the Secretariat of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law, in triplicate and anonymized, addressed as follows:

c/o Ms. C.H.M. Verhaar
P.O. Box 778

Each submission must be accompanied by a completed and signed entry form and should reach the Secretariat no later than 31 December 2019.

The entry form may be found here


The François Prize, named after prof. mr. J.P.A. François (1889-1978), was created in 1975 by the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law with a view to encouraging the study of public international law and private international law.

The prize consists of an award of € 2,000 and a certificate.
