Entries by KNVIR

Minutes of The Spring Meeting 2016

Migration, Refugees and International Law Speakers drs. Bram van Ojik Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs prof. dr. Ashley B. Terlouw Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen dr. Hans van Loon Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law The Spring Meeting was held […]

Spring Meeting 2016

Migration, Refugees and International Law Speakers drs. Bram van Ojik Special Envoy for Migration, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs prof. dr. Ashley B. Terlouw Professor of Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen Board Member Centre of Migration Law, Nijmegen dr. Hans van Loon Former Secretary General of the Hague Conference onPrivate International Law The Spring Meeting was held […]

Annual General Meeting 2015

Settlement of International Trade Disputes Achievements and Challenges On Friday 6 November 2015 the Annual General Meeting was held at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice. The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of four papers on the theme mentioned above.

Submissions – François Prize 2016

The Board of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law Invites those who are students at, or have obtained a Master’s degree from, a Dutch university, to submit a paper or other similar writing (not being a Ph.D. thesis, a book, a published article or another publication that has been judged externally) on a subject […]

ESIL 11th Annual Conference

The Judicialization of International Law – A Mixed Blessing The 2015 ESIL Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 10 – Saturday 12 September 2015 at the University of Oslo. The Call for Agora Proposals and Papers and Call for Posters are now open, and the deadline for submissions is 31 January 2015. Further details of the event can […]

Winner – François Prize 2014

At the Annual Meeting in Utrecht on 7 November 2014 the J.P.A François Prize was awarded to: mr. Arron N. Honniball Click here for the text of the prize winning paper mr. Itamar Magid received honourable mention.

Annual General Meeting 2014

Refining human rights obligations in conflict situations On Friday 7 November 2014 the Annual General Meeting was held at the Raadzaal of Utrecht University. The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of three papers on the theme mentioned above.

ILA Biennial Conference 2014

The 76th ILA Biennial Conference took place from 7-11 April 2014 in Washington, D.C. The conference coincided with and was intertwined with the ASIL 108th annual meeting. The theme was ‘The Effectiveness of International Law’. Some 470 ILA-members attended (as well as more than 1000 ASIL-members). The ILA’s core work (committees on various topics, studying […]

Correct Version Preadvies Van Loon & De Dycker

Please note that by mistake, the KNVIR submitted an incorrect version of the preadvies written by Hans van Loon and Stéphanie De Dycker, entitled ‘The Role of the International Court of Justice in the Development of Private International Law’, to the publisher.  Our sincere apologies for this. The Role of the International Court of Justice […]