
Annual General Meeting 2018

A successful Annual General Meeting was held on 2 November

Climate change, the subject of this year’s Annual General Meeting, drew a large crowd to the Wijnhavengebouw of Leiden University’s The Hague campus on 2 November.

Almost 120 members and non-members came to hear prof. Ellen Hey, dr. Federica Violi, prof. Jaap Spier and prof. Fred Soons present the reports they had written and many of them participated in the lively debate that followed the presentations.

Climate Change

Options and Duties under International Law


  • prof.dr. E. Hey The Hard Work of Regime Interaction I
  • dr. F. Violi The Hard Work of Regime Interaction II
The printed version of the papers has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press in The Hague. Members have received the papers via regular mail.KNVIR Preadviezen October 2018

Proceedings of the KNVIR Annual Meeting on 2 November 2018