Annual General Meeting 2017
Protecting The Rights of Families And Children In A Changing World
On Friday 3 November 2017 the Annual General Meeting was held at The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of two papers on the theme mentioned above.
- prof.dr. B. de Hart
Modern Family - Transnational Families in Nationality Law and Migration Law - prof. dr. T. Liefaard
Access to Justice for Children - Ms. L. Martínez-Mora, LL.M.
of the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law The Cross-Border Recognition of Parent-Child Relationship Statuses (Parentage), including International Surrogacy Arrangements - An Update on the Work of the HCCH
For a variety of reasons – migration, studies abroad, summer loves, changing concepts of marriage and family life – the ‘nuclear family’ (father, mother, child/children) is now more than ever joined by mixed-nationality families, multi-parenthood, same-sex marriages (by people with possibly different nationalities) or, e.g. families who adopted a child through cross-border surrogacy. The preadviezen described trends and took them as a reality, while focusing on the consequences for national and international family law.
To mention a few questions, discussed in the three papers: How about the increasingly restrictive family reunification policies of the EU? How to protect children better under the changing circumstances and given the fact that they are (human) rights holders themselves? How to deal with the legal attribution of paternity or maternity in the absence of a genetic link to a child?
On 3 November 2017, brief presentations by the speakers were followed by a discussion of the findings in the papers written especially for this meeting. Everyone present was invited to participate in this discussion. KNVIR meetings tend to be ‘oases of reflection’ as one of the presenters of last year observed, something to be proud of in these hectic times.
At 1:00 P.M. the Annual General Meeting of the KNVIR was held, to which only members were admitted.
Non-members interested in the subject of the meeting were welcome to attend from 1:30P.M. onwards. The presentations and discussion were held in English.
Coffee and tea were available from 12:30 P.M. onwards.
The printed version of the papers has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press in The Hague. Members have received the papers via regular mail. |
The Proceedings of the KNVIR Annual Meeting will be made available here.