Annual General Meeting 2015
Settlement of International Trade Disputes
Achievements and Challenges
On Friday 6 November 2015 the Annual General Meeting was held at the The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of four papers on the theme mentioned above.
- prof. dr. P.L.H. Van den Bossche
The WTO at 20: A Glass Half Full, Half Empty … or Broken? - mr. dr. F. Baetens
Investment Chapters Including Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Bilateral Trade Agreements - prof. mr. dr. M.C.E.J. Bronckers
Is Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Superior to Litigation before Domestic Courts? An EU View on Bilateral Trade Agreements - prof. dr. G.A. Van Calster
Multa, Multi et Distinta
The Adjudication of International Trade Disputes Seen from a Conflict of Laws Perspective
The printed version of the papers has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press in The Hague. Members have received the papers via regular mail. |