
Annual General Meeting 2013

One Century Peace Palace, from Past to Present

On Friday 1 November 2013 the Annual General Meeting was held at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

The public part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of three papers on the theme mentioned above.


  • prof.dr. Randall C.H. Lesaffer
    The Temple of Peace. The Hague Peace Conferences, 
Andrew Carnegie and the Building of the Peace Palace (1898-1913)
  • dr. Hans van Loon and Stéphanie De Dycker LL.M.
    The Role of the International Court of Justice 
in the Development of Private International Law
  • mr. Jeroen Vervliet
    Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 
and the History and Legacy of the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions
The printed version of the papers has been published by T.M.C. Asser Press in The Hague. 

Members have received the papers via regular mail.

KNVIR Preadviezen October 2013

The papers presented at this meeting

Proceedings of the KNVIR Annual Meeting on 6 November 2013